The company
Company founder Walter Bürgermeister (1920-2015)
Walter Bürgermeister was born a German in northern Bohemia, trained as a car mechanic and emigrated to Linz with his wife Johanna after the Second World War in 1947.
In order to remain in the "new home", it was necessary to set up a production facility, which over the decades developed into a company known worldwide in the industry.
Walter Bürgermeister was thrifty throughout his life and managed his business very prudently.
About us
Walter Bürgermeister GmbH
The Walter Bürgermeister company has existed in Austria since 1947 and has its roots in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic), where ancestors of the Bürgermeister family were already producing glass spirit levels at the end of the 19th century. After the Second World War, Walter and Johanna Bürgermeister emigrated to Linz in 1947 and began repairing spirit levels and producing glass bubble vials in a wooden barrack.
Nine years later, the small production facility moved to a newly built factory and residential building in the south of Linz. In the following years, the production of plastic bubble vials was started.
Thanks to constant improvements in production and products as well as the continuously expanded product range, Walter Bürgermeister GmbH was able to establish itself as a flexible, reliable and strong partner on the global market in the years that followed.
Following the death of company founder Walter Bürgermeister in 2015, his granddaughter Sabine and her husband Ronald Adlbrecht took over the management of the company. Both have been involved in the company since 1998 and have been shareholders of Walter Bürgermeister GmbH since 2012.
In order to meet our high standards in terms of sustainability and technological progress, the site was relocated once again after 61 years.
The company moved to a newly constructed building in Kirchberg Thening, which enables 100% CO2-neutral production.
The company employs more than 70 people, who are highly motivated and produce up to 80,000 bubble vials of the highest quality every day. The bubble vials produced are used worldwide in more than 300 different varieties.

Our new production site
The right environment for productive and sustainable work.
When producing our bubble vials using state-of-the-art production facilities, we pay attention to maximum occupational safety, the resource-conserving use of raw materials, energy and water, and the continuous further development of product quality.
We use materials of the highest quality for our products, which are produced by manufacturers who, like us, have made sustainability their top priority in all areas.
This protects our employees, production facilities and the environment!
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